Janah, Green Weyrling

Name: Janah
Age: 16
Residence: SeaBreezeWeyr
Age: Hatched m5/d2
Pet Kind: Firelizard
Firelizard Color: Brown
Pet Name: Patish
Pet Age: 1
Craft: Dolphineer
Rank: Junior Apprentice/Green Weyrling
Description: She's a very kind and loving person who tends to speak her mind too often. She's non-violent by nature, but will lash out when provoked. She isn't the type for a fling or one side romance, but isn't into commitment yet either. She also has a terrible left hook.
She's petite, about 5 foot three inches, sort of slim, but still alittle fat on the thighs, brown hair the color of burnt bread and dull blue gray eyes. She's missing a back tooth, and has a slight scar along her jaw. She doesn't like heavy or tight clothes and choses to wear long, huge light tunics and light pants or a long flowy dress.
History: She was fostered by two fishermen Jalen and Markle, who found her floating one day while they were out to sea, their belief was that she was from a boat that had been traveling during a storm and had fallen out during one of the more violent waves. She has since lived near the sea. She's the best swimmer, fisher and tracker in the water.
A year later she found a fire lizard egg and instead of handing it over she kept it for herself. When she was found out though, the fire lizard, Patish, was so attached to her they couldn't get two feet near it without a charred face. So Janah, and Patish became the adventurers. Never far from each other and never without seeing each other at least once every five hours.
Earlier this year she noticed how some Dragons and dolphins got along better then non-riders and dragons. She decided to test the theory. Using Misha (with her partner's permission of course) and Talish, D'ral's Brown dragon, she set them to play.
Misha and Talish seemed to almost anticipate each other;s moves. They played a rather complicated game of ball in which 9 times out 10 times they hit they ball.
Then she set D'ral and Talish at the game. While good, their moves seemed less fluid. They scored a 7 out of 10. Setting D'ral and Misha with each other turned out disasterous with a score of 3 out of 10.
She then concluded that Dragon's and dolphins got better along then humans and dragons or humans and dolphins. She asked D'ral to sponser her at the next Search. D'ral, in loving her, agreed and took her to the Weyr (with Patish not so far behind.)
Pet Description: Patish is a brown fire lizard. He is very quiet and horribly protective of Janah. His pictures are often clear, but also a little misleading.

E-mail Janah if you wish.