
Key --
SBW = Sea Breeze Weyr
MLH = Midnight Light Hold
SSH = Silent Stories Hold
MLH-DH = MLH Dolphin Hall
MLH-BH = MLH Beastcraft Hall
MLH-HH = MLH Harper Hall
MLH-SH = MLH Seacraft Hall
SSH-HH = SSH Healer Hall
SSH-WH = SSH Weaver Hall
SSH-SH = SSH Smith Hall
SSH-TH = SSH Tanner Hall

T = Threadfall
R = Restday

1 >> Overcast
SBW - Tr'blen gives the Sea Spray Wing Assignments/Chandler's checking on Stripling/Kahlia rides Zak's runner Myssara.
SSH - Eagle's intro, Imnah's semi-intro

2 >> Thunderstorms/Hail storms throughout the day, severe weather
SBW - Quintesenth and Gonth's Hatching/Tamina Impresses Gold Toriyath/Janah impresses a green/Tamina takes her lifemate off the sands and feeds her/Awne impresses Astoreth/Yana impresses Jyddath/Z'verlan impresses blue Eandarth/Br'van Volaranith and Dhandra Watch the Hatching/Vrinya and Vrilirel do not Impress/Janah learns life is always easy/Paxa stands and doesn't impress/U'ylan talks about Kiki's candidates/A'dros impresses Lakanith/Z'verlan feeds and oils Eandarth before they go to they weyrling barracks and fall asleep/Br'van gives Tamina an Impression gift/Shelley Impresses Arenewith/Zaviyer does not Impress/Thorpan accuses Tamina of Stealing his daughter's dragon/Merrick thinks about his non-impression/Tamina spends the first night with her hatchling/Dhandra talks to Merr after his Non-Impression/A'dros and Lakanith get to bed and A'dros is woken again by Lakanith/ Awne gets to know her new lifemate/The new Weyrlings and there new dragons meet after the Hatching

3 >> T / Thunderstorms, little to no rain
SBW - Blade posts Sea Light Wing assignments/Tr'blen and Blade discuss the new Weyrlings/S'tar finally gets his wing assignments done/Shelley bathes Arenewith/Tamina discusses things that may not be eaten with Toriyath/Tamina and Yana talk and feed their hatchlings/Th'ush feeds Sohakath/Merrick confronts Andros about taking Lakanith from him/A'dros and Lakanith go swimming and go to the morning meal/

4 >> Cool, Partly Cloudy, Light sea breeze
SBW - Kuui and Xaylith talk about how small she was at one time/Lynallele's Zigori rises and is flown by Algul's Querl/Toriyath gets a pet(Tarver)
MLH - Tsunmai's Intro

5 >> Partly sunny, still, cool
SBW - Janah's regret over not going to the water for so long intesifies/Awne and Sovu go for a ride/A'dros and Tamina bump into each other and get to know each other/ A'dros and Tamina are caught together after getting to know each other a bit to well

6 >> Clear, Cool, Cold winds coming in from the south
SBW - Zigori teaches Dumb and Ditzy a lesson and Lynallele promises to
introduce Vrinya and Vrilirel to some cute guys/They meet and make a bet on who will win Kyra's flight/Br'van picks up Tamina's Impression painting from Zaviyer

7 >> R / Cloudy, Cool
SBW - Janah talks to Kuui concerning her fears about Weyrling classes/Br'van and Volaranith adopt a kitten

8 >> Sunny, Light sea breeze
Alunivar arrives at SBW and talks to Br'van

9 >> Light Drizzle throughout the day

10 >> T / Light Drizzle throughout the day
SBW - Necron, Fronny, and Saphyanth talk about Thread and the Hatching/Thorpan injures Raquel/Thorpan steals Tarver's wheeling chair from under him /He visits teh feeding trough and gets wheeled off to Blade's office/Thorpan and Cressan go to test their deception on Blade
SSH - Eagle gets bored on a threadfall day.

11 >> Fluctuating temperatures, Thunderstorms

12 >> Rain
SBW - Kuui and Dhandra talk about Merrick's bet, and then they make one as well/Merrick stops by and talks to Tamina and Toriyath about teh hatching

13 >> Cloudy
SBW - Dhandra finishes her whip
MLH - Janah visits DH to see her friends before classes start

14 >> R / Cool, Overcast
SBW - Blade gives her wing assignments and talks to U'ylan

15 >> Cool, Overcast
SBW - A'dros visits his mother and take Lakanith along to meet her
16 >> Overcast

17 >> T / Warm, Overcast

18 >> Clear, Cool

19 >> Clear until midday, Thunderstorms rolling in late afternoon

20 >> Light Drizzle

21 >> R / Scattered showers in SBW territory, clearing out early evening

22 >> Overcast

23 >> Sunny, Warm

24 >> T / Cloudy, Warm

25 >> Drizzle

26 >> Early morning down pour, Overcast rest of day
SBW - C'lar meets with his Wingleader

27 >> Slightly Cloudy

28 >> R / Sunny, Warm