Silent Stories Hold

Welcome to Midnight Light Hold! ^^ Here is where you can see the residents of the Hold proper, the Healer, Weaver, Tanner and Smith Halls. We have many, many positions open at the moment and we're currently accepting personas to fill all slots - so come and create a Holder or crafter today! Or if you're not satisfied, we also need candidates here, as well. If there is nothing listed for the crafthall, that means that all positions are open and we need them quite badly!

Hold Proper

Persona Rank
Open Lord Holder
Open Lady Holder
Open Steward
Open Headwoman
Imnah Head Drudge
Eagle Drudge

We need Masters, Journeypeople and Apprentices at all of the Local Holds - Healer, Smith, Weaver and Tanner Halls, please make a persona and help get this location going!