Bluerider Tayyal

Name: Tayyal
Age: 29
Residence: Sea Breeze Weyr
Dragon's Name: Lakaseth
Color: Blue
Age: 14
Rank: Blue Rider
Description: Physical: Tayyal is 5’11 with two icy blue eyes very close to perfect ellipses and would have lovely long lashes if she didn’t rather bizarrely keep them trimmed short. She has a beautiful elongated heart shaped face complete with a widow’s peak hairline, thin empty seeming cheeks and a very stern and pretty nose. Her lips seem cold and harsh because of the uncaring way she keeps them tightly pursed, always pulling a bit downward as if a premonition of an oncoming frown. Tayyal’s eyebrows are constantly raised in a state of judgment for whatever scene is playing out before her or in a glare or questioning glance. Her hair is jet black and straight as a razor blade, infinitely obedient to it’s masters wishes, though Tayyal has always butchered it rather rudely. Such butchery leaves it short and close cropped, a mere shadow of what hair such as that could be and should be. She keeps it clean and well groomed though, excusing the shortness as “better for her riding helmet”, but anyone who’s seen her hair would know better. She has a thin graceful neck atop slender shoulders, all too often burnt and marred by Rukbat’s heat, as Tayyal practically lives outside. Her chest is a teeny bit smaller than average but she dismisses it as “better for a physical lifestyle” meaning her career as a rider and her attachment to running herself to exhaustion. She has a flat stomach and small waist, and though muscular all over is more so on her long slender thighs and calves. Tayyal’s figure would fit nicely in just about any tight garment or suit, though outside of Thread Fall and wing Drills she wears nothing but baggy clothes that conceal most of her curves but not enough for her taste.
Emotional: Tayyal has always found her own reflection repulsive and uses this as her motivation to get up every morning for more rigorous physical strengthening. She exercises obsessively, running several miles each day and coming up with a whole entourage of originally created drills and repetitions to satisfy her desire to improve herself for the better. Due to her image of herself, as ugly, she openly despises bronze riders, brown riders, and just about every other male who shows even a slight interest in a woman or herself. She goes out of her way to make them feel awkward around her and tries to make herself look as unattractive as possible, thus her close cropped hair, baggy clothing and short eyelashes. Anything that’d mark her as pretty is hidden, besides her face which still manage to attract a good deal of attention. She also has a tendency to be nasty to green riders and real nasty to gold riders should she get a chance. Gold riders, secretly, because they are sought after by so many men, who she feels wouldn’t look at her twice (mostly because of her own doing mind you!). And green riders for winding up in bed with those men, and the men who might’ve given her a chance had they not found the loose green rider first. Either way she finds most of her companionship in fellow blue riders, and her friends among male green riders. She has a reputation for being hostile and uncooperative, blatantly disrespectful to anyone who outranks her (especially those on metallic dragons) and for starting fights amongst both men and women, and more often than not winning too. A wise miner captured the most accurate description of Tayyal in a sentence, when he said she was quote “meaner and more confused than a watch-wher in daylight”.
History: Born in a small Mining Hold, Tayyal was the face of scandal before she was born and her mother’d been a rather shady figure for quite some time before that. Having been the daughter of a wealthy Master Miner, most people’d been kind enough to look the other way when the headstrong Taysawn stole a small trinket here of there. But a short time later, when it became apparent she couldn’t be trusted and her condition was only worsening they demanded she be kept inside the Master miner’s living quarter. Being a teenager, and a rather thrill seeking one at that, this confinement was practically impossible but the crafter had little choice in the matter. He explained it as best he could to Taysawn, that she’d have to say inside or the rest of the miners’d have her left in threadfall. And living in a rock quarry, it was uncertain wether or not dragon riders would be there to protect them. She didn’t remain their for long however, but it was long enough for the miner to secure her an espousal to a miner in an even smaller hold where it was doubtful there would be anything for her to steal. Taysawn said she would espouse him, not that she cared very much who she she slept by every night. Which bring us to the reason they never got espoused, the betrothed miner discovered his bride was already pregnant and refused to take her off the very disappointed Master’s hand. Taysawn wasn’t disappointed he’d not married her and told her father the baby’d been caused by a mangled queen flitter flight in which her bronze had won. Knowing it was a lie and having had quite enough of her and her devious ways he gave her a runner and some supplies and asked Faranth that she’d find some man stupid enough to take her in. It was a simple task for the very beautiful and young Taysawn, traveling to the weyr and convincing the first rider she met that he was in love with her. Not long after she had the poor man weyrmated and presented him with her babe Tayyal which she named after her and the rider, not its actual father. Having taken the first rider she’d seen, Taysawn’s relationship had a few problems from which she had no answers, so she commonly found refuge in the bed’s of other riders. Her weyrmate was displeased to say the least, when he found out exactly how many other men there were. He politely asked that she take her child and leave his weyr. Tayyal at this time five, cast an evil glare and stuck out her tounge at the bronzerider as she and her mother left their weyr with their possessions and secretly, all the man’s marks. This time espousing an old man who’d made a fortune as a trading guru Taysawn gave Tayyal everything she wanted, at the same time ensuring she’d not be spoiled or unwary of men. Tayyal became very overweight due mostly to her mother’s pessimistic view of the world and scheming ways, leading inevitably to her daughter’s depression. That is how at age 13 she came to see herself as very unattractive and resentful of all men and hateful towards pretty woman who were lusted over. By a miracle almost, Taysawn took her to a hatching where a chubby Tayyal met the best thing that would ever happen to her. Her lifemate, Blue Lakaseth. From then on it didn’t matter if she was ugly or not because Lakaseth would always love his rider, chubby or not. But as weyrlinghood generally goes it whipped the fifteen-year-olds butt into proverbial shape, work hard to keep him clean she pushed herself harder and harder each day to keep up with the growing blue. Very quickly, pounds began to drop and her true thin shape began to emerge as she developed control over her appetite and began to workout daily, always striving to do better for herself and her lifemate. Even as she stands taller and more beautiful than most of her wingmates she doesn’t see that, or need to, she continues to keep her hair short and closely cropped to her head. She is exceedingly disrespectful and rude to metallic riders as well as brownriders and female greenriders, she will fight someone over nearly nothing assuming they have sent off her short temper that is. Tayyal enjoys fighting thread more than most riders, and dreads her lifemate’s involvement in mating flights. Secretly she wants a proverbial “knight in shinning armor”, she’s met a few, but Tayyal has a way with men that make then pick up there boots and run …
Dragon Description: Lakaseth is a large blue, beautiful in proportion, coloring and temperament. He is of average intelligence as far as dragons go but even then is all to often confused by his lifemate’s sudden changes in mood and feelings, especially around the much-detested bronzeriders and at the mention of flights. The blue is fully aware of how mating flights should go, but Tayyal doesn’t seem to want him to get involved in any of them. He restrains himself on occasion, and with difficulty. Only when he knows his rider is not up to the emotionally demanding situation, but he’s male, and goes frequently. Trying his hardest to win the flights he knows to have kind male riders that Tayyal could at least tolerate, female greenriders could mean a rather nasty fight upon her waking. He tries his hardest to make his rider happy and succeeds by far, not regretting for a second that he happened to pick a chubby girl and not a male as his life partner. He is protective of her though in truth she needs little protection from anything , and encourages her to be more feminine, grow her hair out, wear some pretty dresses … attract a mate … perhaps one for him too...

E-mail Tayyal if you wish