Greenrider Stevie

Name: Stevie
Age: 16
Residence: SeaBreeze Weyr
Dragon Colour: Green
Dragon Name: Raylith
Dragon Age: 2
Pet Kind: Firelizard
Firelizard Color: Brown
Pet Name: Madison
Pet Age: 4
Craft: Artist
Rank: Jr. Journeywoman/Greenrider
Description: Stevie has long black hair that is almost never tied back. She is quiet and does not normly talk unless she has to or is telling a story. Sometimes she gets upset and then acts very high and mighty untill she cools down. These are the times you do not get in her way, but most often she is plesent and respected. Unless her dragon needs attending, She can probibly be found working on some art piece or helping whereshe is needed.
History: Stevie was sent to the Harper hall, but found her way into the arts and story telling with a little encouragement from some masters that saw where her real talent lay. Stevie was serched by a blue dragon and a rider she never learned the name of. She was extremly over whelmed with happyness when she impressed green Raylith.
Dragon Description: Raylith is a bottle green color and of average length. Her wing span is to long by almost a foot. Beacuse of this she must be more consious of the wind and such things. She tends to sense her riders emotions a lot. One look at her though and you know what kind of mood she is in because she expresses it thougthly in the color of her eyes and posture.
Pet Description: Madison is your typical lazy brown, though when he is a wake he preens himself and looks in a mirror. He tends to be more tword rust on the color side. Madison is full up with spunk and can get into alot of trouble by trying to steal tidbits from the kitchens where the women arn't always watching.

E-mail Stevie if you wish.