Green Searchrider Lynallele

Name: Lynallele
Age: 22
Residence SeaBreeze Weyr
Dragon Colour: Green
Dragon Name: Syrith
Dragon Age: 4
Pet Kind: Firelizard
Firelizard Color:Gold, Green, Green
Pet Name: Zigori, Calla, Alealyan
Pet Age: 7, 5, 2
Craft: Dragonhealer
Rank: Jr. Journeywoman/Searchrider
Description: Physical description:
She's nothing really special, just your average green rider. She's not ugly, but neither can she be considered exceptionally beautiful with her dark blonde hair and lightly bronzed complexion. Her friends always joke that she was born tanned, because, even during the cold season, she does not loose her tan. Her eyes are a bluish color, but when she's unhappy or extremely determined they appear gray. She has a full figure and a medium sized bone structure. She isn't very tall at 5'1'', but she doesn't mind being short. With her height, she jokes that she will never find a man shorter than her. She wears the skimpiest clothes she can get away with and sometimes, but not always, her clothes are worn at the expense of decency. During the cold season, she rarely has her arms or legs covered. When people ask if she's cold, she just shrugs and says, "You get used to it." When alone, or in her weyr, it is not uncommon to find her without any clothes at all.
Emotional Description:
She's nice and pleasant to be around. She likes to laugh and have others laugh with her, even if she is the butt of the joke. She's extremely flirty, but not pushy, she will never force someone to like her. Her opinion is that if a man comes to her she shouldn't restrain herself. It is not uncommon for her to have a different man every night of the week but, neither is it uncommon for her to have a favourite for a little while. She doesn't really want a weyrmate, she likes the freedom that being single gives her. She is rarely disliked, but when she is, she will try very hard to make them like her but, as in other things, she won't force her opinion on anyone. Somehow, she seems to be able to tell when things are too extreme, in dress and otherwise. This has saved her from getting in trouble with her wingleader, and her current favourite, on more than one occasion.
History: Lynallele was born as the result of a green/brown mating flight. She was fostered out at an early age because neither of her parents had time for her because they had to take care of their dragons. Lynallele was resentful of this at first, but when she impressed a dragon herself, she understood that her parents had fostered her out for her own good. She would have resented not getting any attention more than she would have when they fostered her.
Lyn, as she is often called by her friends, recognized from an early age that the dragonhealer craft needed to be revived. Over the long interval, there had been fewer and fewer dragonhealers because they were rarely needed. She apprenticed to the dragonhealer craft as soon as she was allowed, because she felt connected to the large pernese beasts and their fate as defenders of Pern. She walked the tables and became a junior journeywoman at the age of 17.
Lyn was never formally searched, but as with all the weyrbred she had the right to stand at hatchings. She stood at her first hatching when she was 15. She got discourage because she did not impress and she stood at hatchings off and on until she was 18, when she impressed her green, Syrith.
Dragon Description: Syrith is very small for a green. She's well proportioned, even if her wings are a little too big for her body. Her larger wing size gives her a little added maneuverability. She's an even forest green, except for her tail tip, wingtips, near her claws, and her muzzle. They are a darker forest green that seems to get darker the closer you get to the tips.
Syrith is extremely flirty, even for a green. She doesn't really care whether she is caught by a bronze, brown, or blue, as long as they don't have an easy time of catching her. She likes to sit in the sun, or even swim with male dragons. It seems that she is only truly happy when with Lynallele or male dragons. Syrith, unlike most green dragons, rises significantly less than every three months. At times, Lynallele will swear that her dragon rises every two months.
From a very early age it was apparent that Syrith was a search dragon. When she was less than two sevendays old, she started showing extreme interest in the current candidates at SeaBreeze Weyr. She even managed to search a candidate before one of the older dragons had a chance to. Of course that candidate was searched by an official search dragon, but this incident proved beyond all doubt that Syrith was a searchdragon. Lynallele finds her dragon's talent has been useful in explaining her absences when her interests are occupied by men from a hold or hall.
Pet Description:Zigori was given to Lynallele as a sort of consolation gift that she didn't impress a dragon. Lyn was very happy, but that didn't mean that she still didn't try to gain a draconic lifemate. Zigori is a cheerful gold that is a little on the big side. She's very intelligent for a gold flit and loves to play with bronzes and browns. She's a bright wheat gold that is rarely found in firelizards. Also equally rare, she has the original firelizard configuration of three claws instead of five. She is the most attached to Lynallele of all the flits. She is Lyn's constant companion and is rarely seen off of Lyn's shoulder, except when there is no clothing covering the shoulder in question. Zigori has only clutched nine clutches, and the largest amoung them had about 20 eggs.
Calla was the one of the flits from Zigori's second clutch. Calla is a very pale color that resembles gray, but she still has enough green pigment to tell that she is indeed a green firelizard. Calla is more curious than Zigori and sometimes Lyn does not see her for more than a sevenday. It is not uncommon for Calla to like to a human other than Lynallele, and when Calla does, she will follow them around for at least 3 days. Calla is always more dependent on Lyn around the time that she will rise.
Alealyan is one of the firelizards to hatch from Zigori's seventh clutch. Alealyan is a leaf green that helps her hide in trees while she watches people. Alealyan is the most likely of Lyn's flits to get into trouble. Alealyan loves shiny objects and will pick them up, regardless of who they belong to. Often, she will hide in a tree and wait for someone with a shiny object to come by and then she will swoop down on them and steal it. Alealyan also steals meatrolls and other 'treats' and for this reason, she has a slight bulginess about her.

E-mail Lynallele if you wish.