Master Dolphineer Algul

Name: Algul
Age: 34
Residence: Dolphin Hall(MLH)
Dolphin Name: Perse
Dolphin Age: 20
Pet Kind: Firelizard
Firelizard Color: Brown
Pet Name: Querl
Pet Age: 7
Craft: Dolphineer
Rank: Craft Master
Brief Description: Algul is about 6' tall, and stocky, with brown hair and eyes. His duties as a Dolphineer keep him fit and his skin tanned. His right arm has been amputated a few inches down from the elbow, the result of an accident when he was boy.
Generally he is outgoing and friendly, but he is often distracted by thoughts of the latest piece of equipment he is working on, or a new gadget to tinker with - until the accident, it was believed he would follow in the footsteps of his foster father and become a Smith.
History: Algul was born and raised at Southern Boll hold. Most of his childhood was spent either in the Smithcraft hall, with his foster father or by the sea, watching the FishCrafters at work, and playing with the local pod of dolphins. Everyone assumed that Algul would be trained as a Smith, until the fateful day when he lost his arm whilst helping out in the Hall Although his foster father and friends tried to persuade him that he could still be a successful Smith, he refused to be trained - in fact it was many years before he could bring himself to a SmithCraft Hall. Instead, Algul joined the Dolphin Hall. As an apprentice, he left much to be desired and his Masters barely expected him to reach Journeyman rank, yet alone a Mastership.
Promotion to Journeyman restored Algul's confidence in himself and he started applying his aptitude for innovation to the equipment used by Dolphineers for prolonged underwater work, and he was soon made a Master. He continued his work, improving the efficiency and safety for Dolphineers right across Pern. When Dralut, the former MasterDolphineer died, Algul was the logical successor. Dolphin Description: Perse is large dolphin, with strong traces of her bottlenose heritage. She has been partnered with Algul for the last 15 years. Always a mother figure to her pod, (she has reared 3 sons and 2 daughters), she is a caring and gentle creature, both with dolphins and twofoots.
PetDescription: Light brown, with darker markings and just short of an arms length, Querl looks like a piece of driftwood carried by a winter storm, and he is almost as active! A quick learner, and always looking for entertainment, he makes a useful messenger for the DolphinMaster - although not always reliable one!

E-mailAlgul if you wish