Flight List

When is that gold or green dragon or flit of yours going to rise? Well, look no further! Here is the most up-to-date we at SeaBreeze Weyr have! If your dragon or flit is not on this list at this time...then please, e-mail Kahlia (Kahliameo@aol.com) for your missing flight. ^.^

SeaBreeze Weyr Flights:

Month 5
d16 - Raquel/Mournith
d21 - J'tarin/Darath
d23 - Kuui/Xaylith
d28 - Kahlia/Kyranacaravyrith
Month 6
d8 - Cherlyn/Lelith
d12 - Necron/Saphyanth
d13 - Alunivar/Oniraveth
d20 - U'ylan/Kikikylath
Month 7
d1 - Lynallele/Syrith
d12 - Stevie/Raylith
d15 - Myra/Lybreth
d28 - Blade/Quintesenth
Month 8
d15 - Raquel/Mournith
d20 - J'tarin/Darath
d25 - Kuui/Xaylith

Too young to rise

Awne - Astoreth Green
Janah - Kalith Green
Jonee - Tanith Green
Meredi - Sailenth Green
Shelley - Arenewith Green
Tamina - Toriyath Gold
Yana - Jyddath Green

Month 5
d1 - Cafell/Chatter
d4 - Lynallele/Zigori
d12 - Kuui/Mayya
d23 - Ciana/Nyria
Month 6
d3 - T'varien/Hikari
d15 - A'dellan/Isha
d20 - Lynallele/Alealyan
d28 - Lynallele/Calla
Month 7
d6 - Vrinya/Ditzy
d7 - Vrilirel/Dumb
d10 - A'riste/Tairen
d23 - Kuui/Shilfiel
Month 8
d15 - Kuui/Mayya
d21 - Cherlyn/Lilyn

The italics indicate a gold's flight. Remember, it is _preferred_ that bronzes catch and fly the queens, but, it's not necessary. Greens do not clutch - otherwise the Flitter rate would be overpopulating. Let Kahlia know if anything needs to be changed, updated, fixed, etc.