Dragon Info

Want to create a dragonrider persona? You're not alone. These personas are probably what draw so many people to Fandom. Aside from that, here's some valuable information you can use when creating a dragon. Remember to give him/her a personality and not just something for your rider to talk to. They ARE part of your persona!

Now...there will only be five dragon colors. That's it. No silver or red, purple or orange dragons. As cool as those colors are, they don't exsist on Pern, thus they're not permitted in this club. Sorries! But anyway - here's a little bit of information on the dragon colors.

Gold - Metallic. From pale, straw yellow to gold so dark it's nearly bronze. The largest and strongest of the dragons, they're sometimes called dragon queens. They're ridden by heterosexual women with leadership abilities. They can not chew firestone, or else it will render them sterile. They rise to mate two or three times a year and lay a clutch of eggs from ten to forty or so.

Bronze - Metallic. From almost gold in appearance to a shimmering almost chocolate color. The second largest and stronges of the dragons - they are the strongest fighters. These dragons usually catch the gold dragons in their mating flights. Ridden by heterosexual men with leadership abilities. They chew firestone and have the most stamina but less agility.

Brown - From pale sand color to dark, almost black. They're the third largest of the dragons and can hold Wingsecond and Weyrlingmaster positions. They're the second strongest of the fighting dragons and are more agile, but smaller, than their larger bronze counterparts. Can catch a queen in her mating flight, but not often.

Blue - The whole range of color. They're the smallest dragon to fly a whole 'Fall. They can hold wingthird and Candidate Master positons. Uusally catch green dragons in their mating flights and are productive Searchers. The smallest and most agile of the male dragons. Ridden by Bi or homosexual men, and a very few bisexual women.

Green - Whole range of the color. The smallest of all the dragons. These ladies rise once every two or three months. They're good Search dragons and are rendered sterile by chewing firestone. They're the most agile of all the dragons as well as the most in number. Ridden by hetero/homosexual women or homo/feminine bisexual men.

This information is in meters! ^^ Some dragons may be slightly larger or slightly smaller than these numbers (not by more than two meters) of course, but these are the average numbers (and based on those in the DLG). Ramoth was 45 meters long - no dragon will be larger than this!
Color Length Wing Span
Gold 39-42 64-69
Bronze 35-38 58-63
Brown 30-35 49-58
Blue 25-30 41-49
Green 20-25 33-41

And now...who would Impress what color dragon. This is on sexual orientation, so please - if you want a bluerider or male greenrider, keep this in mind. ;-)

Color Who can Impress?
Gold Heterosexual Women
Bronze Heterosexual Men
Brown Heterosexual and a few Bisexual Men
Blue Bi or homosexual Men, a few bi women
Green Hetero/Bi/Homosexual Women, Homo/Bisexual Men

Dragons can speak to anyone, human, dragon or firelizard, they wish.They speak telepathically and their voice sounds much like their rider's spoken through a long tunnel. Most dragons only speak to their riders and other dragons. Some don't even do much talking to their bond mates.