Vrinya, Candidate, Sr. Apprentice Harper

Name: Vrinya
Age: 15
Residence: Sea Breeze Weyr
Pet Kind: Green Firelizard
Pet Name: Ditzy
Pet Age: 1
Craft: Harper
Rank: Senior Apprentice/Candidate

Brief Description of Persona: Vrinya is just about done growing. She's pretty average in height, somewhere between 5'5 and 5'6. She has untamable hair, the depth of the brown color startling and many take it as black at first and even second glance. Her eyes are equally dark, and are solid, unchanging. She has a tendency to run her fingers through it, and thus, messes it up. When her hair is fresh from sleep, no fingers running through it, her dark hair is straight but has a slight wave nearing the bottom.
Vrinya...she's your typical teenaged girl. She's caught up in those silly things called boys and isn't afraid of spreading gossip that may or may not be true. She's very social but doesn't like to spend every waking moment amongst her friends. She likes to take time out and talk to her sister, as they are best friends. She's got a temper you don't want to mess with and has a tendency to snap and cry when she doesn't get her way. You could call her spoiled, but she prefers the word privileged. And also...she seems to be in an eternal state of hyperness. She's always so happy and cheery.
Brief History of Persona: Vrinya was the second born of a set of twins, resulting from the first flight of her mother's green, Farilanth. Her twin sister, Vrilirel was born about ten minutes before her. She never got to know her bronzeriding father (her Mom says he was a wingleader)but did have the inbred fascination with the huge beasts of Pern that come in gold, bronze, brown, blue and green. Dragons.
She was apprenticed to become a Harper when she turned eleven. As a parting gift, both she and her sister received firelizard eggs. Hers hatched a green that she named Ditzy, her sister, too got a green named Dumb. She loved the little green with all her heart, but never seemed to be able to tame her wild side.
While at the Harper Hall, she realized she couldn't sing if her life, or the fate of Pern, was at stake. She did, however, find that she was very adept at woodwind instruments and was more than just a little interested in learning how to use drums. Especially message drums. She was quick and efficent with her lessons and caused minimal problems. She was a budding youth, after all! She was promoted from Junior Apprentice to Senior at the age of fourteen. She shared gossip and stories about boys (and girls, because some were just plain snobby) with her sister. It was there that they really became close.
A cerulean blue dragon came on Search one day. He and his rider said that both she and her beloved twin sister would be perfect candidate material. They didn't know what to expect, but knew that there was a golden dragon's egg on the Sands, the chance to be a queenrider was in the air.
Vrinya was more interested in the adventure, the aspect of going to a Weyr once more and being a little weyrbrat. She's excited about getting closer to dragons once more, and has been yearning for the chance to be near them for a long time. She has no real intention on becoming a dragonrider, even though the noble blood runs through her veins. But hey! If a dragon does want her as it's rider, she's all hers!
Desciption of Pet: Ditzy is a bright green. So vibrant, when she glows with mating urge, you might need to shade your eyes! She's got swirls of blue covering her dainty and well proportioned body, if her wings aren't a bit too big for the rest of her. Her eyes are large, overly so. She likes to boss her fellow greens around to the point of being just plain annoying. She doesn't understand that she is not a queen, and only knows those gold hunks of wing can dictate HER bronzes better than she. She has a tendency to vanish for days at a time, but always comes back when she gets tired of finding her own food.

E-mail Vrinya if you wish.