Sr. Apprentice Harper/Candidate Vrilirel

Name: Vrilirel
Age: 15
Residence: SeaBreeze Weyr
Pet Kind: Green Firelizard
Pet Name: Dumb
Pet Age: 1
Craft: Harper
Rank: Senior Apprentice/Candidate
Brief Description of Persona: Vrilirel, like her sister is somewhere between 5'5 and 5'6. Her hair falls to about the middle of her back and is the beautiful red color of flame. Her hair naturally is in tight ringlets that she absently twirls around her fingers when she is thinking. She is justly proud of the hair that cascades down her back and never wants it cut. Vrilirel's eyes are a clear, light green that is very striking. Even though she is well proportioned, she is slim and has a small bone structure. Even at her young age, her figure is already starting to draw the attention of older male eyes and her temperament is relatively calm and agreeable. She is not spoiled like her sibling and tends to defer to her, but when they get in one of their rare arguments, she can hold her own.
Brief History of Persona: Vrilirel was the first born of a set of twins, resulting for the maiden flight of her mother's green, Farilanth. Her twin sister, Vrinya, was born about ten minutes after her. With her parentage being a Greenrider and a bronzerider (who she did not know, but her Mom says he was a wingleader) she was always fascinated by the huge beasts of Pern we know as dragons.
She was apprenticed to the Harper craft at the ripe ol' age of eleven. As a parting gift, both she and her sister received Firelizard eggs. Hers hatched a green that she named Dumb. She loved the prissy little green even though Dumb was never was far from reminding her who was whose pet.
While at the Harper Hall, she realized she couldn't play instruments very well. She did, however, find that she was very good at singing and could memorize very complex songs and sing them, months later, perfectly. She learned quite well and very quickly. She was promoted from Junior Apprentice to Senior at the age of fourteen. She shared gossip and stories about boys with her sister and they grew quite close.
As fate would have it, a blue dragon from the a newly forming Weyr visited the Hall. He was only supposed to be on messenger duty, but it seemed that he was also on Search that day. Both Vrilirel and her sister Vrinya were Searched.
They sent word to their mother that they had been chosen as candidates even though there was no clutch on the sands of one Pern's traditional Weyrs. They went anyway, why pass up a perfect opportunity for adventure?
Later, they were again searched for SeaBreeze, and there was no clutch that would come to the current weyr within a couple of months, so the weyrleadership talked it over, and Vrilirel and Vrinya were on their way to SeaBreeze and another candidates barracks to paint.
Desciption of Pet: Dumb is a pastel green, but at times she has been painted completely or partially red. She is very prissy and disdains anything that will get her dirty. She holds a special dislike of the white stuff that falls from the sky that humans call snow. She hates being bossed around. She acts like a gold she dragon and never frolics excessively. Dumb can be described as dignified and continues to insist that Vrilirel is her pet, not the other way around.

E-mail Vrilirel if you wish.