Head Cook, Tarver

Name of Persona: Tarver
Age of Persona: 41 turns
Residence: SeaBreeze Weyr
Pet Kind: Firelizard
Firelizard Color: Brown
Pet Name: Ibo
Pet Age: 7 turns
Craft: Cook
Position:Head Cook
Description of Persona:Tarver is a 5'9", shifty-eyed, culinary obsessive. Never seen without his apron and and a spoon in hand, he will get in anyone's way if they threaten to "contaminate" one of his works. He has dark brown eyes, brown hair and could probably be considered handsome in a harsh, heat-worn kind of way. From years of flipping vegetables and turning spits, he had gained a subtantial upper body. Tarver isn't a mean man, but can be hard to relate with- the only subject he cares to talk about is food. With delusions of being unappreciated, Tarver bring a unique "flavor" to the SeaBreeze kitchen.
History: From a young age, Tarver has been fascinated with the kitchen. He practically drove his mother insane by using up her precious supplies and spices to experiment on his ideas. At 16 turns old, he was kicked out of his family's hold to "find someone else's kitchen to rob." Soon after, Tarver ran into a small band of renegades that, in his opinion, desperately needed his talents. He travelled with them for about 5 turns before he decided to settle down, inspired by prospects of a kitchen of his own. He remained at the first fully inhabited place the troop came near-SeaBreeze Weyr. Quickly rising through the ranks, soon he found himself the Head Cook, and has been happy ever since.

E-mail Tarver if you wish