Lyonene - Sr. Apprentice Smith/Candidate

Name: Lyonene
Age: 16 turns
Location of Persona: SeaBreeze Weyr
Pet type: Feline
Pet's Name: Sarali
It's age: 3 turns
Craft: Smith
Rank: Sr. Apprentice/Candidate
Discription of Persona: Lyonene has been darkly tanned from spending so much time outside. Her long blonde hair has been cut very short and baely reaches her ears. Along with her skin, it's been sun-kissed and the highlights are so pale they could almost be white. Her eyes are somewhat elongated in shape and shine tawny brown beneath their heavy-lashed, hooded lids. Lyonene's nose has a slim bridge that widens as it descends to broad, flaring nostrils, her lips are thick and red. She's as tall as most boys her age and is pleasantly plump with many female curves that she has a hard time hiding.
Lyonene's got a temper to worry about. It takes a while for her to loose it, but when she does, wise people would get out of her way. Not to mention that she can hold a grudge for an unreasonable amount of time. She's interested in everything most girls know and talk about among themselves, because she's never had female friend to confide in about anything. She knows only the boys' side on everything. Lyon understands about kissing and has had 'the talk', but she never got a chance to experiment or go on dates. Her favorite colors are silver and bronze because those were her two favorite metals to work with when she was a Smith Crafter.
History: Her parents were a brown rider and a harper master at Sea Breeze Weyr. She was raised mostly by her mother, but her father also played a major part of her life until he died in an accident in threadfall and his dragon /betweened/. Lyonene's mother didn't want her to Impress and involve herself with the danger of /betweening/ and fighting thread, so she tried to send her daughter to the Harper Hall. Lyonene did _not_ want to be a harper when she grew up, and neither did she wish to Impress a dragon because she's deathly afraid of heights. Her only wish was to become a Smith and create stuff with metal. But her mother put her foot down and said absolutely not, no daughter of hers was going to become an apprentice in such a masculine craft. The only way Lyonene managed to get her wish was to cut her hair, bind certain developing parts of her body, don baggy boys' clothes and escape in secret to the Smith Hall under the new alias of Lyon. She knew her mother would be able to find her if she didn't take on a new identity because there were harpers everywhere that she sent looking for 'Lyonene' or a 'girl' who looked like Lyonene.
After four years at the Smith Hall, she missed the weyr. By now, she'd gotten over her fear of heights and realized her love of dragons and weyrlife overpowered even her love of Smithing. She also missed the freedom of being her own gender; while pretending to be a boy, she couldn't swim in public, date, or ask anyone about all the girl stuff that most girls knew and took for granted. When she was searched, Lyon went without any kind of protest. But Lyon realized something the moment she got to Sea Breeze. If she revealed who she really was, her mother would make sure she never managed to stand on the sands and would forcefully ship her off to the Harper Hall. She knew that if she Impressed, it would be impossible to keep the secret any longer, especially if she Impressed a gold, but by then, it wouldn't matter anymore. No one could make her leave the Weyr when she didn't want to, if she were hooked onto a dragon. So Lyon resigned herself to pretending to be a boy for a little while longer, at least, until she Impressed. She didn't have many thoughts for her future if she didn't manage to Impress a dragon, but only knew that it didn't include pretending to be a male for the rest of her life.
Desc of Pet: Sarali is a tiny white puffball with big green eyes peering out. She was the runt of her litter, but what she lacks in mass, she makes up in fuzz. She's friendly and acts almost canine-like. Sarali will always crawl into a warm lap and go to sleep even with strangers.

E-mail Lyonene if you wish