Chandler, Jr. Apprentice Beastcrafter/Candidate

Name: Chandler
Age: 16
Residence: SeaBreeze Weyr
Pet Kind: Runner
Pet Name: Stripling
Pet Age: 3
Craft: Beastcrafter
Rank: Junior Apprentice/Candidate
Description: About 5' 4", not very tall, but he's proud of the inches he has. Black hair with bright blue eyes and tanned skin. He has a scar on his upper right arm from a runner biteing him a few years back.
Fairly cheerful and optomistic. He can't stand a runner or other animal that isn't being treated right. Loves the animals he works with whether runner, dragon, fire lizard, or wherry. Very active and loves to do things that are active. If asked to do an extremely undesireable task (like mucking the stalls) he'll moan and gripe for a little bit, then he'll get the work done, at good quality.
History: Born in a small cothold near the BeastCraft Hall. He grew up around runners and learned to love them. When he was old enough he signed up for apprenticeship at the BeastCraft Hall. While at the Hall he was able to select a foal of his choice to raise. He was Searched only a few years later for one of the gold's clutches.
Pet Description: A young stallion brought up by Chandler himself. His coat a liver chestnut with flaxen mane and tail. A blaze runs down his face and he has four white stockings on his feet. A well-built handsome-looking stallion from Keroon stock. No mistakeing him for a run-of-the-mill runner.
Though good-natured and friendly around Chandler and a few other select people he will kick at or bite an intruder to his stall, for this reason Chandler has a sign "Please Don't Pet" posted under Stripling's name on the stall door.

E-mail Chandler if you wish